Resource Israel

We provide solutions for companies and individuals to
connect, engage, and partner with Israel.

The success and culture of business in Israel is as diverse as its history and peoples.

Israel has been referred to as the “Start Up Nation.”
Thou Shalt Innovate!
Israel’s ingenuity is now at the forefront of many industries.

Come meet the movers, shakers and leaders in their fields.

Over 500 international companies have tapped into Israeli innovation by setting up R+D labs working on cutting-edge technology.
The Israeli model of open innovation and creative incubators is admired and emulated throughout the international business world.

So what’s knowledge worth? What’s an introduction worth?

Let Resource:Israel make it easy for you to Connect, Engage, and Partner with Israel.

unlock solutions

Connect to unlock the “Startup Nation” potential

Engage directly with decision makers

Partner with the leading experts

Do business, have fun!